Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Daily Yum! *Lunch* 12/4/2011

Whats for Lunch?


Here's what you'll need:

Crumbled cooked bacon
Swiss Cheese
Green Onion (optional)
Sour Cream

Where's how to do it:

Wash potatoes; dry; rub with oil; prick skins. Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour or until done.

Prepare your filling in a separate bowl.

Cut 1/4-inch slice off top of baked potatoes and scoop out pulp, leaving shells intact about 1/4 inch thick. Mash pulp and add your desired filling.

Beat well and re-stuff potatoes.

If serving potatoes right away i like to brush them with a little butter and slide them under the broiler for a minute to brown the tops

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